15 Jan 2017
In the fall semester of 2016, I took ICS 314 - Introduction to Software Development. Within that class, the final project was to create some sort of prototype of a web application students of the University of Hawaii to use....
19 Oct 2016
Meteor is hard! If you are looking at this header and you are thinking I have bad grammar, than you need to do more reading on web apps. Do not worry though I am here to teach you if you...
06 Oct 2016
How do I make a website? I will be completely honest, I had no website making abilities ten days ago(except for this portfolio but I just followed a template). If I did make a website it only would have had...
21 Sep 2016
Within every Information and Computer Science (ICS) class I have taken, every professor will talk about how this or that development environment and language is the best one out there. I believe each professor is correct and each language has...
12 Sep 2016
Real World Group Projects Picture this, you are back in High School and you were assigned a group to do your final project of the year. This scenario will produce two types of emotions in a student; relief or distress....
30 Aug 2016
Java, my first love When I was first in my introductory class to computer science, Java was the most amazing programming language in the world. Of course, it was the only programming language that I knew. I was using Java...
26 Aug 2016
Hello World A “Hello is a beginning of something new. Relationships start with a “Hello”. Usually they are followed by an introduction and hopefully with a smile. A “Hello” can start a conversation or it can start a passion. In...